Savory Semolina Cakes – Dhokla

Traditionally these are served with chutney or a pickle, but I have flavored these such that they can be served as is.
Cabbage and Spinach Muthia – Indian Steamed Dumplings

Muthias were one of my favorite snacks, growing up. The word “muthi” means fist and muthias are fistful of spiced and seasoned dough made from a variety of flours and vegetables. They can be served by themselves or accompanied by different chutneys. They make ideal travel food as they taste good even when cold. I […]
Air Fryer Banana Fritters (Pakoras)

This recipe makes use of those overripe bananas which usually get thrown out. My mother combines the sweetness from the bananas with the pungent fragrance of fresh fenugreek greens to give a very unique flavor. Since fresh fenugreek greens are not that easily available locally in Los Angeles, I use dried greens and fresh spinach […]
Air Fryer Brown Rice Fritters

This was one of my favorite after school snack growing up in India. Most homes had leftover rice and yoghurt in their fridge. I have finally been able to make an oil-free, yoghurt free version with the help of an air-fryer. Using a tabletop convection/air fryer would save a lot of time, as opposed to […]