
Whole-Food, Plant-Based on $5 a Day—Day 9

Posted in Past Blogs, Recipes

Today is  Day 9 of my 10-day vegan on a budget challenge, where every day, for 10 days, I spend no more than $5 a day on food.

For the past 2 days I had so much food left in my fridge that I’ve lived on leftovers. But today it’s definitely time to get back into the kitchen!

Time to go shopping

Even though I still had plenty of food in the cupboard, I wanted to add some new ingredients.

I already had cabbage and potatoes, and if I could get some beets and onions I’d have everything I needed to make Borscht.

I also wanted to make some pasta. I still had some fusili pasta,  tomatoes, broccoli and kale. All I needed was some onion for the tomato sauce.

I went back to my local Mexican market and picked up some green onions, zucchini, an apple and a peach for $1.82.  Then I went to Whole Foods and got some organic beets for $0.90.

Total $2.72. Which meant I had $2.28 in my purse! The most I’ve ever had left over on this challenge.

My menu for today



Kale Pasta

Kale Pasta

Borscht with leftover taco shells and avocado


I love coming up with new dishes and meal ideas, so I really enjoyed today.

I’m also looking forward to tomorrow, because I have a little bit of extra “cash in the bank” to spend, since I only used half of today’s budget!

See you then 🙂


Here’s the link to tomorrow’s post. And if you’ve missed earlier posts, here’s the link to Day–1!





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